1 in 5 people have an error on the credit report

Credit is an important part of the American economy and critical to making any big purchases. This includes houses, cars and any type of recreational vehicle. But did you know that credit has the ability to affect your life and auto insurance premiums or get a security clearance for a job? Yet millions of Americans have mistakes on their credit report which affect their credit score. The problem is so big that “60 Minutes” did a story on the subject on August 25th. They state that 1 in 5 Americans has an error on their credit report and 1 in 10 has an error that could lower their credit score.

What can you do about it? Check your credit report regularly. You can get a free credit report, not scores, from https://www.annualcreditreport.com/cra/index.jsp This is the only official free site.

A Look Behind The Curtain: How To Choose A Mortgage Lender – Forbes

A Look Behind The Curtain: How To Choose A Mortgage Lender – Forbes.

Great article on how to choose your lender, here are a few things to take away from the article:

1. Always research your mortgage professional

2. Just because a realtor has an in house lender, it doesn’t mean that’s your best place to get a loan.In-house reps exist because there is a mutually beneficial financial relationship, the lender has unrestricted access to agents and buyers, and the real estate company is compensated by the lender.

3. Significant interest rate discounts offered by online financing sources are advertisements, like everything else, if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

4. If trust in your lender’s rep is the result of your vetting process, chances are you have chosen well.