FHA/VA Condo Approvals


Good Day Fellow Business Associate,

Pacific Lending Advisors (PLA) and ReadySetLoan (RSL) are pleased to announce that we are uniting forces to form RSL Condo Team!

After working collaboratively for the past several months as separate organizations, PLA and RSL agreed that unified, we could best provide a higher level of service and greater collective expertise while being able to reach an increased number of condominium associations nationally.   PLA’s clients and referral partners will now have access to VA condo project approvals in addition to the FHA approvals.

Pacific Lending Advisors is a Seattle-based company that facilitates the FHA condominium project approval process.   Jim Deane and staff have helped hundreds of associations to secure FHA condo approvals.

ReadySetLoan is located in Connecticut and facilitates FHA and VA condominium project approvals for their clients.  Over the past 5 years, Neil Caron, Eric Boucher and staff have successfully assisted hundreds of associations with the FHA and VA condo approval processes with a 99% success rate.

Over the next couple of months, a more streamlined approach to project approvals while combining two distinct systems of processing will be developed.   The efficiency of our processing is coupled with our unrelenting desire to minimize the burden of the process for our clients.

We look forward to serving you and your clients and are confident that you will be thrilled with the results!

Please feel free to contact us at approvals@readysetloan.com

RSL Condo Team Logo - Full

The ReadySetLoan Condominium Project Approval Team is dedicated to assisting condominium projects across the nation to obtain their approvals with FHA and the VA or become recertified with FHA.  We have assisted more than 100 condominiums and we can help your association.

ReadySetLoan Condo Team is an active member of the Community Associations Institute (CAI) and is a frequent contributor to Common Interest Magazine as an expert in FHA/VA condominium project approvals.

Our Services

  • Assist in the collection of the required documents for an FHA approval
  • Review the documents for completeness and verify that they are acceptable to FHA
  • Provide advice to correct defects in the documentation
  • Provide guidance for budget or other possible issues
  • Provide work-arounds for issues/defects in the paperwork
  • Communication with project reviewers at FHA and dispute errant rejections
  • Maintain ourselves as the contact point with FHA
  • Maintain a list of approved projects and notify projects ahead of the expiration of their approvals to avoid a lapse in the approval

Our Experience

  • Assisted over 100 approved projects with a 100% success rate
  • Attended every seminar and webinar hosted by FHA regarding project approvals since 2011
  • Invited to round table session at HUD Headquarters as an industry expert
  • Direct contact with FHA condo project reviewers and their supervisors

Condo Photo Credit: (c) Can Stock Photo / ddmitr